Rest in Peace, Frankie the Betta Fish.
He was feisty and not too interested in affection, but he was a good, loyal pet to his family in these, their first six months in Denver. His red fins were comparable to none in their splendor. His "flare" more fierce and flame-like than the rest. He weathered many a water change with stoicism and bravery. He ruled his fake-stone castle with swift but fair judgment and never neglected his Wal-mart house plants. He put-on a good face, even after unsanctioned petting by the Master, and allowed himself to be referred to by many undignified names: At Halloween Frankie-nstein, at other times "Frankster," "Frankie-fiend," and the less than flattering "Franken-fish," when in trouble "Frank Ciardiello."
Yes, he was good. And because of his rather grisly death by Freezer Euthenasia, to avoid a rather grislier one by Dropsy, he shall not be replaced anytime soon. A funeral was not held due to shocking amounts of snow and frozen-ground which would have surely broken the beach shovel.
Frankie, Fair ruler of his castle-home |
He is survived by his occasionally-and-mostly-emotionally-though-not-technically-adopted
stepbrother from another mother and father, Fred the Westie, King of
False Alarms, his rightful and not-exactly-despondent owner, Romanorum
Master Forum, and the two dashingly-good-looking servants who also
reside in the household, Matt & Brenda.
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