Vietnamese Summer Rolls: a great way to roll out the summer days.
Growing up my parents had a best hits of Nat King Cole CD that we used to listen to a lot. Among my many talents I can count the ability to sing every word to songs like "Mona Lisa" or "Unforgettable" or even the lovely and charmingly mispronounced "Non Dimenticare." Nat is at his best crooning love songs or romantic ballads, but I have to admit that one of my favorite songs was his catchy summertime ditty "Lazy, hazy, crazy days of Summer." There's just something so idealized and appealing about living out "those days of soda and pretzels and beer" as you "dust off the sun and moon and sing a song of cheer" (dah dah dah-dah-dah!).
Well, I would hardly say that summer in Abu Dhabi features many guys and gals at drive-in movies or many decent 'sandwiches and weenies' given the scarcity of good pork in this part of the world, but at the very least it does provide the warm weather, beach and sunshine, all of which inspire me to cook fresh, quick foods that are both refreshing and feature heavily in local seafood.
One of the random foods that features in my theoretical top 20 foods of all-time (bold statement, I know) is Vietnamese Summer Rolls or Gỏi Cuốn. Here are my top 5 reasons you should love them too.
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Rolling out Summer: Top 5 Reasons to Eat & Love Gỏi Cuốn
5. A Seasonal Dispute
If you frequent Vietnamese restaurants, as is my wont, you will recognize the ubiquitous Summer or Spring roll always prominently displayed on the appetizer section of the menu. It is unique because it has nothing to do with its delicious but evily-fattening deep-fried Chinese cousin, the Chinese Spring Roll. I can't really find a straight answer regarding why some restaurants call Gỏi Cuốn 'Summer' vs 'Spring' rolls but my theory is this:
Gỏi Cuốn translates literally into "mixed salad rolled" which is a literal and apt description of what you are eating when you eat gỏi cuốn. I suppose assigning a warm and "fresh" season to the name is more evocative for the Western market, and then on top of that I think some people consider "spring" to be fresher than "summer" which could be one reason for the misnomers. I think also, sadly, so many people are so unfamiliar with the differences between Asian cuisines (as in, they assume everything is Chinese or Thai) that calling this food a "spring roll" is the only way to evoke the image of a food that is rolled, stuffed and Asian for most consumers.
Whatever the reason, and whatever the season - these rolls are fresh. And that's the best kind of food in Summer and Spring.
4. The Hoa-Hoa Factor.
Back when I was a college student, I used to visit a friend of mine at the University of Texas Austin quite often. And everytime I visited I would call ahead and beg him to go to the Dobie Mall to a tiny hole-in-the-wall Chinese/Vietnamese mall foodcourt food stand where I always ate a ridiculous meal that I love to this very day: Vietnamese Summer (Spring) Rolls and Hot and Sour Soup. He would get me my Spring rolls and soup and bring it to me when I arrived from the airport, and it hit the spot every time.
To me, the Hoa Hoa Restaurant (apart from having a hilarious name) was a small piece of paradise because it featured all my favorite Chinese take-out standbys paired with what were then extremely exotic-seeming Vietnamese offerings. When I first saw these rolls, transparent, cool and filled with giant shrimp, I ordered them immediately and I have been "hooked" (sorry Aggies) ever since. So much so that to this day, I always feel compelled to cook Hot and Sour Soup whenever I have gỏi cuốn, even though I rarely actually do.
Vietnamese food opened up a new world to me with regards to dipping sauces. Not to overstate the importance or actual quality of the Hoa Hoa (it seriously is just a cheap foodcourt stand), but they also introduced me to two things which I can now no longer live without for my Summer rolls: Sriracha sauce (go on, join the fan club) and Hoisin Peanut dipping sauce, neither of which are actually even Vietnamese. Sriracha is a Thai chili sauce (which incidentally I cannot find in the UAE so if anyone wants to ship me some that would be great, thanks :P) and Hoisin is Chinese. Both have strong flavors and are to be used sparingly (though I don't follow that advice myself).
Anyway, the dipping sauce I prefer to make for my Summer Rolls is Hoa Hoa Style: Hoisin sauce, chunky peanut butter, rice vinegar, minced garlic, salt, pepper and a generous dash of Sriracha at the top. The flavors are complex and intense and pair perfectly with such a simple, borderline-monotone dish as Summer Rolls.
2. They are really Mexican, actually.
Or not. But kinda. :)
What appeals to me so much about Summer rolls is that they include a lot of flavors common to Mexican cuisine but in an Asian form and presentation.
Firstly, they are made with rice paper and rice noodles (vermicelli): rice is a staple food of Mexico and I am addicted to it.
Secondly, they are rolled with fresh lettuce and herbs, featuring prominently among them cilantro and Vietnamese Cilantro - the first of which is an obvious Mexican (and personal) favorite. Thirdly, the fresh shrimp: while I suppose shrimp doesn't actually feature more prominently in Mexican cuisine than it does in Italian or Vietnamese or even Danish cooking, it is a national favorite cooking in as many ways as you can possibly imagine.
And lastly, the spicy dipping sauce is a perfect combination of salt, sweet and sour - a flavor combo very commonly found in Mexico anywhere from street stands selling cucumber pieces drenched in lime juice and chili sauce to high end gastronomic restaurants where you can order homemade sweet-sour tamarind water or complex moles made with every ingredient under the sun.
Firstly, they are made with rice paper and rice noodles (vermicelli): rice is a staple food of Mexico and I am addicted to it.
Secondly, they are rolled with fresh lettuce and herbs, featuring prominently among them cilantro and Vietnamese Cilantro - the first of which is an obvious Mexican (and personal) favorite. Thirdly, the fresh shrimp: while I suppose shrimp doesn't actually feature more prominently in Mexican cuisine than it does in Italian or Vietnamese or even Danish cooking, it is a national favorite cooking in as many ways as you can possibly imagine.
And lastly, the spicy dipping sauce is a perfect combination of salt, sweet and sour - a flavor combo very commonly found in Mexico anywhere from street stands selling cucumber pieces drenched in lime juice and chili sauce to high end gastronomic restaurants where you can order homemade sweet-sour tamarind water or complex moles made with every ingredient under the sun.
1.They bring out the lazy, hazy and crazy in me.
Lazy: These are SO quick and easy to make if you have the ingredients at home!
Hazy: I go into a trance once they are set in front of me.
Crazy: I can seriously eat 6 of these in one sitting!
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Vietnamese Summer Rolls
Makes 4-6 Rolls
2. Using the same water you boiled the shrimp in, once again bring it to a boil (adding more water if necessary) and then add the vermicelli. Again, turn off the heat and cover allowing the noodles to cook (this literally takes 1 minute). Drain noodles from the water, run cool water over them to stop cooking and then set aside in the refrigerator until the noodles are cold.
5. Making only one roll at a time, soften the rice wrapper by gently soaking it in the warm water until soft. Don't leave it too long or it will soften too much and rip / loose its elasticity. Place the wrapper on clean counter space, then lay 1 lettuce leaf over it. On top of that lay a couple of sprigs of cilantro, then a small handful of vermicelli noodles in a bunch, then on top of that 2-3 shrimp, all about an inch from the edge. Roll into a spring roll shape. For help, please see this funny video. You should really make these just before eating as they don't particularly keep well in the fridge or out of it.
The recipes I used were a combination of pulling from Summer Rolls I have eaten in the past and getting hints from online recipes including this one for pork Summer Rolls. I also put a little Mexican spin on these by marinating the shrimp in lime and hot sauce (it adds a huge amount of flavor). You can use any combination of greens and herbs you like - some people leave out the lettuce, others add cucumbers and julienned carrots and some people hate cilantro so they just use basil and mint or no herbs at all. It's a fun, fresh, fast dish that can be altered and tailored to every palate.
Rice Wrappers |
12-15 large shrimp, shelled and deveined
4-6 lettuce leaves (I used Boston lettuce but Romaine or Iceberg would also work)
1/2 pack of rice vermicelli
4-6 rice paper wrappers
1 small bunch clinatro
1 lime
1-2 tbsps sriracha hot sauce
Dipping Sauce:
2 tbsps Hoisin Sauce
2 tbsps Hoisin Sauce
1/2 tbsp chunky peanut butter
1-2 tsps rice vinegar
1 clove garlic, crushed and finely minced
salt and pepper to taste
sriracha sauce to taste (or you can use fresh red chilli, sliced)
1. Bring water to boil in a medium pot, and then throw the shrimp in. Cover the pot and turn off the heat. Allow them to cook for 1-2 minutes or until completely opaque but not overdone. Remove from water, place in an ice bath to stop cooking, then pat dry and set aside in a small bowl.
3. Once the shrimp are cool, pour the juice of the lime and the sriracha sauce as well as salt and pepper to taste over them. You can even chop some cilantro and add this to the mix. Mix well and set aside.
4. Fill a large bowl (large enough to fit one of the rice paper wrappers comfortably) with warm-to-mildly hot water. You should be able to comfortably hold your hand in the water but it should be hot enough to soften the rice wrappers.
6. For the dipping sauce, combine all ingredients to taste and serve with the freshly rolled spring rolls (and some hot and sour soup if you're a freak :) ).

You have me craving some now. We have a great Vietnamese hole in the wall restaurant with some killer food. We love to pick up a banh mi and a summer roll. Ah heaven.